All Foodbank Products

All Foodbank Products

This shows all the items currently available to purchase for Salvation Army foodbanks. To see the most needed items click on that selection under categories.

285 products

285 products

Almond Milk 1L


Apples 2kg


Avocado (Each)


Bacon 200g


Bananas 1kg


Bar Soap 6 pack


Bay leaf 5g


Body Wash 1L


Broccoli Head




Brown Rice 1kg


Brown Sugar 1kg


Butter 500g


Buttermilk 600g


Cardamom 20g


Carrots 1kg




Celery 300g


Chives 5g


Cinnamon 32g


Coconut Milk 1L


Coffee 90g


Coleslaw 450g

Sold Out

Corn Chips 170g


Cornflakes 300g


Cornflour 300g


Cucumber (Each)


Cumin 30g


Dates 500g


Dish Cloth


Eggs 12 pack


Feta 200g


Fly Spray 300g


Garlic 5 pack


Gravy 24g


Hand Wash 250mL


Honey 500g


Icing Sugar 1kg


Juice 1L


Kumara 1kg


Leek (Each)
